Pay pigs love Pearl's cleavage. She likes teasing them with it and getting them to give her money to shop for good bras to make it looks better.
These mistresses know no other way of making money. They love putting on a show for their paypigs and the money slaves open their wallets and finance them
Lady Fine was looking like a million bucks. And she wanted to remind her paypigs that it cost money for her to look like that. So she made them promise to pay her more money
Lady Milena is seated back in her favorite chair issuing instructions to her paypigs. She wants them to adopt a new program and increase her allowance
When Miss Mackenzie decides to humiliate her slave, she enjoys it. She loves telling her slave how much he turns her off. She loves telling him that his dick is the size of a pencil and is always limp. She knows that he will pay to shut her up so she continues to tell him what a disappointment he is until he pulls out his wallet and pays the fee.
When Megan decides to go shopping, she takes her slave's credit cards. She goes to all of her favorite stores and wears a pair of her new boots home. As soon as she gets home, she tells her slave that she has to punish him. He is being punished for the limit on his credit card. It stopped her shopping spree. She pulls her boots off and makes him smell them as a punishment.
When he comes home from work, she expects his check. When he counts out how much he has made, she is not happy. She knows that he should have more to give her for her pleasures. She tells her slave that he is a cheap lowlife for not giving her what she knows he has. She makes him kneel down in front of her. She gets the additional money as she tells him what his punishment will be.
When mistress Amy decides to go shopping, she dresses in her favorite red dress and black corset. As soon as her slave sees her, he is excited. Herrin Amy tells him they are going shopping and after he pays for her entire shopping spree, she will strip for him. She watched her slave jump to attention and start pulling out his money. She loves telling him how happy he makes her when he pays for her habits.
When Lady Mistery's new slave comes to her, he knows that he has to have a gift to get her attention. Instead of giving her money, he brings a diamond necklace. He just wants to sit at her feet and have her stroke his head. Lady Mistery takes his gift and decides that he has paid for a 15 minute session with her. Instead of telling him he is a good slave, she tells him he is cheap with a small dick for buy such small diamonds.
When Nicole decides that she wants to go shopping, she calls her slave to her. She demands money for her shopping trip. When he hesitates, she starts telling him how worthless he is. She tells him that he doesn't have the skills necessary to bring her to pleasure. She tells him that he should be a woman because his dick is so small. She makes him kneel while begging for forgiveness for hesitating to pay his small dick fee.